Love – A Key Fruit of the Spirit Has Transforming Power

Valentine’s Day is near, a time to explore love’s many forms. The Bible in Galatians 5:22  speaks of love as a fruit of the Spirit. 

Have you ever wondered what it really means for love to be a fruit of the Spirit? Well, it’s quite simple and beautiful! It means that love can’t be forced or fake – it grows naturally and abundantly within us when we fully surrender ourselves to God’s loving guidance. And when we do this, something truly amazing happens! The Holy Spirit works within us, nurturing and sustaining a deep and selfless love for others – the kind of love that always seeks their highest good. It’s called “agape” love, and it’s truly extraordinary!

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.  (NLT)

 1 John 4:7 is a powerful verse that reminds us to love each other in a way that goes beyond just saying words or making empty gestures. We’re talking about a love that knows no bounds and is overflowing with genuine compassion.  


In a world that often seems plagued by division, hatred, and strife, the call to love one another becomes even more urgent and compelling. It is through love that we can break down the walls of animosity and build bridges of understanding and unity. By embodying the love described in 1 John 4:7, we have the power to transform lives, heal wounds, and inspire hope.


This excerpt from the Bible was originally penned in Greek, a language that beautifully captures the intricacies of love through its various terms. The richness of the Greek language can be seen in words such as “phileo” (phil-EH-oh), which conveys a deep sense of brotherly affection and friendship – it is no coincidence that the vibrant city of Philadelphia derives its name from this very word. Additionally, the Greeks recognized the enchanting power of “eros” (EE-ros) love, an intense and passionate form of love that is commonly associated with romantic relationships. Finally, we encounter the concept of “storge” (STORE-gay) love, a natural and instinctive affection akin to the love one feels towards their parents. The Greek language truly captures the nuances and depth of love, providing a profound understanding of this sacred emotion.


Those kinds of love are good. But there’s one word for love that’s different from any of those, and it’s the word that was used every time love was mentioned in the verses we read. It’s called agape (ah-GAH-pay) love.

Agape love is not just good, it is extraordinary. Unlike other forms of love, agape love goes beyond boundaries. In fact, it is the only word used to describe love in the verses we just read. Agape love is synonymous with unconditional love. It is a love that remains unwavering, regardless of the actions or choices of the recipient. It represents a profound level of affection that desires nothing but the best for the person we love, consistently giving and cherishing them. Agape love is the pinnacle of love, embodying a selflessness and dedication that is unmatched.

This beautifully captures the essence of God’s love for us.

Agape love is simply amazing! It’s the kind of love that comes from having God’s Spirit within us, and it allows us to love others in an incredibly selfless and generous way that reflects our Creator.

Want to know how to achieve this kind of love? Well, the Bible tells us that God is love, so if we want to become experts at loving others, we need to start by recognizing that love comes from Him. So let’s embrace God’s love and let it flow through us to others!